Τρίτη 11 Μαρτίου 2008


Posted by Matsolas on 11:44 π.μ. No comments

Κάπως έτσι θα έπρεπε να παίζουν ποδόσφαιρο και όχι να μαθαίνουν την τέχνη του ποδοσφαίρου και όχι μέσα από τις λεγόμενες "Σχολές ή Ακαδημίες", γιατί πολύ απλά μέσα από αυτές εξυπηρετούνται τα συμφέροντα των ιδιοκτητών και ποτέ των παιδιών που ελπίζουν σε ένα "μέλλον" δίνοντας μάλιστα τον καλύτερο εαυτό τους και τα καλύτερα χρόνια της ζωής τους.

Κάπως έτσι κάποιοι παπαροscouter από ΠΑΟ και ΑΕΚ είχαν πάει και στην Αλεξανδρούπολη και "είδαν" ταλέντα όπως ο γιός μου και άλλα 3 παιδιά, δίνοντας ελπίδες που ήξεραν ότι δεν μπορούσαν να γίνουν πραγματικότητα γιατί πολύ απλά δεν θα έπαιρναν ΜΙΑ από εμάς τους γονείς για να τα προωθήσουν, παρόλο το campus που θα κάνανε στην Ξάνθη με εκλέκτορες των ομάδων !!!

Υπάρχουν βέβαια και κάποιοι που προσπαθούν να κάνουν το καλύτερο γι αυτά τα παιδιά, αλλά δυστυχώς δεν μπορούν να υπερκεράσουν το σύστημα.

Ακόμα και εδώ όμως στο video φαίνετε καθαρά πως το σύστημα λειτουργεί άψογα για να μην υπάρχουν παρεκκλίσεις......"Μπουρλότοοοοοοο"

Απλά απολαύστε το, Αξίζει πολλά !!!

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  • /********************************** * jCounter Script v0.1.0 (beta) * Author: Catalin Berta * Official page and documentation: http://devingredients.com/jcounter * Licensed under the MIT license: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT **********************************/ ;(function($,document,window,undefined) { //once upon a time... $.fn.jCounter = function(options,callback) { var consoleLog = false; //shows debug messages via console.log() if true var customRangeDownCount; //if true, it will tell countdown_proc() it's a down count and not an up count. var endCounter = false; //stops jCounter if true var eventDate; //time target (holds a number of seconds) var pausedTime; //stores the time (in seconds) when pausing var thisEl = this; //custom 'this' selector var thisLength = this.length; //number of multiple elements per selector var singularLabels = new Array('Day','Hour','Minute','Second'); //singular labels - use for localization var pluralLabels = new Array('Days','Hours','Minutes','Seconds'); //plural labels - use for localization var remoteDateURL = "http://www.devingredients.com/files/dateandtime.php"; //URL to external dateandtime.php file var localDateURL = "dateandtime.php"; //path to local dateandtime.php file this.options = options; //stores jCounter's options parameter to verify against specified methods //default settings var settings = { customDuration: null, customRange: null, date: null, dateSource: 'remote', fallback: null, format: 'dd:hh:mm:ss', timezone: 'Europe/London', twoDigits: 'on' }; //merge the settings with the options values if (typeof options === 'object') { $.extend(settings,options); thisEl.data("userOptions", settings); //push the settings to applied elements (they're used by methods) } //METHODS var jC_methods = { //initialize init : function() { thisEl.each(function(i,el) { startCounter(el); }); }, //pause method: $.jCounter('pause') pause : function() { if(consoleLog) { console.log("(jC) Activity: Counter paused."); } endCounter = true; return thisEl.each(function(i,el) { clearInterval($(el).data("jC_interval")); }); }, //stop method: $.jCounter('stop') stop : function() { if(consoleLog) { console.log("(jC) Activity: Counter stopped."); } endCounter = true; return thisEl.each(function(i,el) { clearInterval($(el).data("jC_interval")); $(el).removeData("jC_pausedTime"); resetHTMLCounter(el); }); }, //reset method: $.jCounter('reset') reset : function() { if(consoleLog) { console.log("(jC) Activity: Counter reset."); } return thisEl.each(function(i,el) { clearInterval($(el).data("jC_interval")); resetHTMLCounter(el); startCounter(el); }); }, //start method: $.jCounter('start') start : function() { return thisEl.each(function(i,el) { pausedTime = $(el).data("jC_pausedTime"); endCounter = false; clearInterval($(el).data("jC_interval")); startCounter(el); }); } } //checks whether this jCounter instance runs by a customDuration setting if(thisEl.data("userOptions").customDuration) { if(!isNaN(thisEl.data("userOptions").customDuration)) { var customDuration = true; } else { var customDuration = false; if(consoleLog) { console.log("(jC) Error: The customDuration value is not a number! NOTE: 'customDuration' accepts a number of seconds."); } } } //checks whether this jCounter instance runs by a customRange setting if(thisEl.data("userOptions").customRange) { var customRangeValues = thisEl.data("userOptions").customRange.split(":"); var rangeVal0 = parseInt(customRangeValues[0]); var rangeVal1 = parseInt(customRangeValues[1]); if(!isNaN(rangeVal0) && !isNaN(rangeVal1)) { var customRange = true; if(rangeVal0 > rangeVal1) { var customRangeDownCount = true; } else { var customRangeDownCount = false; } } else { var customRange = false; if(consoleLog) { console.log("(jC) Error: The customRange value is not a valid range! Example: customRange: '0:30' or '30:0'"); } } } //FUNCTIONS //jCounter initializer function startCounter(el) { if(customDuration) { if (pausedTime) { if (!isNaN(pausedTime)) { eventDate = Math.round(pausedTime); } } else { eventDate = Math.round($(el).data("userOptions").customDuration); } currentTime = 0; countdown_proc(currentTime,el); $(el).data("jC_interval", setInterval(function(){ if(endCounter == false) { currentTime = parseInt(currentTime) + 1; countdown_proc(currentTime,el) } },1000)); } else if(customRange) { eventDate = Math.round(customRangeValues[1]); if (pausedTime) { if (!isNaN(pausedTime)) { var currentTime = eventDate - pausedTime; } } else { var currentTime = Math.round(customRangeValues[0]); } if(customRangeDownCount) { countdown_proc(currentTime,el); } else { countdown_proc(currentTime,el); } $(el).data("jC_interval", setInterval(function(){ if(endCounter == false) { if(customRangeDownCount) { currentTime = parseInt(currentTime) - 1; } else { currentTime = parseInt(currentTime) + 1; } countdown_proc(currentTime,el); } },1000)); } else { eventDate = Date.parse($(el).data("userOptions").date) / 1000; if(thisEl.data("userOptions").dateSource == 'remote') { dateSource = remoteDateURL + '?timezone=' + thisEl.data("userOptions").timezone + '&callback=?'; } else if(thisEl.data("userOptions").dateSource == 'local') { dateSource = localDateURL + '?timezone=' + thisEl.data("userOptions").timezone; } else { if(consoleLog) { console.log("(jC) Error: dateSource property can be set to 'local' or 'remote', 'remote' is default"); } } $.getJSON(dateSource,function(data){ var currentDate = Date.parse(data.currentDate) / 1000; countdown_proc(currentDate,el); $(el).data("jC_interval", setInterval(function(){ if(endCounter == false) { currentDate = parseInt(currentDate) + 1; countdown_proc(currentDate,el) } },1000)); }); } } //main jCounter processor function countdown_proc(duration,el) { //check if the counter needs to count down or up if(customRangeDownCount) { if(eventDate >= duration) { if(thisEl.data("userOptions").fallback) { thisEl.data("userOptions").fallback.call(this); } clearInterval($(el).data("jC_interval")); } } else { if(eventDate <= duration) { if(thisEl.data("userOptions").fallback) { thisEl.data("userOptions").fallback.call(this); } clearInterval($(el).data("jC_interval")); } } //if customRange is used, update the seconds variable var seconds = (customRange) ? duration : eventDate - duration; var thisInstanceFormat = thisEl.data("userOptions").format; //calculate seconds into days,hours,minutes,seconds //if dd (days) is specified in the format setting (i.e. format: 'dd:hh:mm:ss') if(thisInstanceFormat.indexOf('dd') != -1) { var days = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60 * 24)); //calculate the number of days seconds -= days * 60 * 60 * 24; //update the seconds variable with no. of days removed } //if hh (hours) is specified if(thisInstanceFormat.indexOf('hh') != -1) { var hours = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60)); seconds -= hours * 60 * 60; //update the seconds variable with no. of hours removed } //if mm (minutes) is specified if(thisInstanceFormat.indexOf('mm') != -1) { var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60); seconds -= minutes * 60; //update the seconds variable with no. of minutes removed } //if ss (seconds) is specified if(thisInstanceFormat.indexOf('ss') == -1) { seconds -= seconds; //if ss is unspecified in format, update the seconds variable to 0; } //conditional Ss //updates the plural and singular labels accordingly if (days == 1) { $(el).find(".textDays").text(singularLabels[0]); } else { $(el).find(".textDays").text(pluralLabels[0]); } if (hours == 1) { $(el).find(".textHours").text(singularLabels[1]); } else { $(el).find(".textHours").text(pluralLabels[1]); } if (minutes == 1) { $(el).find(".textMinutes").text(singularLabels[2]); } else { $(el).find(".textMinutes").text(pluralLabels[2]); } if (seconds == 1) { $(el).find(".textSeconds").text(singularLabels[3]); } else { $(el).find(".textSeconds").text(pluralLabels[3]); } //twoDigits ON setting //if the twoDigits setting is set to ON, jCounter will always diplay a minimum number of 2 digits if(thisEl.data("userOptions").twoDigits == 'on') { days = (String(days).length >= 2) ? days : "0" + days; hours = (String(hours).length >= 2) ? hours : "0" + hours; minutes = (String(minutes).length >= 2) ? minutes : "0" + minutes; seconds = (String(seconds).length >= 2) ? seconds : "0" + seconds; } //updates the jCounter's html values if(!isNaN(eventDate)) { $(el).find(".days").text(days); $(el).find(".hours").text(hours); $(el).find(".minutes").text(minutes); $(el).find(".seconds").text(seconds); } else { if(consoleLog) { console.log("(jC) Error: Invalid date! Here's an example: 01 January 1970 12:00:00"); } clearInterval($(el).data("jC_interval")); } //stores the remaining time when pausing jCounter $(el).data("jC_pausedTime", eventDate-duration); } //updates jCounter's HTML values to 0 or 00, based on the twoDigits setting function resetHTMLCounter(el) { if(thisEl.data("userOptions").twoDigits == 'on') { $(el).find(".days,.hours,.minutes,.seconds").text('00'); } else if(thisEl.data("userOptions").twoDigits == 'off') { $(el).find(".days,.hours,.minutes,.seconds").text('0'); } } //method calling logic if ( jC_methods[this.options] ) { return jC_methods[ this.options ].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 )); } else if ( typeof this.options === 'object' || ! this.options ) { return jC_methods.init.apply( this, arguments ); } else { console.log('(jC) Error: Method >>> ' + this.options + ' <<< does not exist.' ); } } //the end; }) (jQuery,document,window);


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    $(".countdown").jCounter({ date: "1 january 2013 12:00:00", timezone: "Europe/Bucharest", format: "dd:hh:mm:ss", twoDigits: 'on', fallback: function() { console.log("Counter finished!") } }); $('.pause').click(function() { $(".countdown").jCounter('pause'); }); $('.stop').click(function() { $(".countdown").jCounter('stop'); }); $('.start').click(function() { $(".countdown").jCounter('start'); });